Get the most out of your fields with a variable rate fertility plan

Comprehensive Soil Testing

With our state-of-the-art soil laboratory, we provide accurate and timely soil testing to get a detailed understanding of the soil’s nutrient content, composition, acidity and salinity.

Prescription Files

Receive custom prescription files to optimize nutrients and yield potential. We work closely with you to ensure files are set up and ready to go with your equipment.

Zone Mapping

Using satellite imagery, historical records and elevation data, we identify high- and low-productivity zones across your fields and match them to yield targets and product requirements. Grid options available.

Agronomic Support

As an independent partner, our goal is to help you achieve results. Our team is experts in managing field variables to unlock your soil potential, increase application accuracy and improve your bottom line.

Benefits for your farm

Increased profitability

Higher yields

Less lodging

Reduced input costs

More even maturity

Optimized yield quality

Crop production traceability

Improved environmental impact

Get in touch

Learn more about our Variable Rate Technology Solutions for your farm

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