By: Ben Johnson, Product Marketing Manager

Looking at agricultural data is nothing new. There are various programs available that can display information in a variety of ways for ag professionals. While these programs can get the job done, there are some drawbacks that keep us from making progress forward.

It’s not uncommon to see ag professionals using several different programs or software dependent on the data they are looking for. Yield data is stored in one program, imagery is stored in another, as-applied data in another and so forth. Sure, it’s possible to convert and compile all or most of the data into one program to streamline data analysis, but that isn’t scalable beyond just a few fields. In fact, it takes quite a bit of work as most equipment manufacturers generate data in their own proprietary format.

Plus, what happens when we need deeper insights to help us make smarter decisions? We have no realistic path to do that especially since many of the companies that provide these programs only deliver a single piece to the puzzle, mainly in the areas that directly impact their business.

At Farmers Edge, our CanPlug telematics device is completely brand agnostic; it can read any format of data from any manufacturer and securely stores it in the cloud. From there, it is converted into a universal format and displayed in our comprehensive digital platform, FarmCommand®. These data conversions happen seamlessly, which gives users more opportunity to access powerful insights, rather than wasting time managing it manually.

As an industry, we’re used to analyzing data on a field-by-field basis. That method is effective in instances where users want to dig into specific issues on a particular field, but if the goal is to identify trends across a large amount of acres, that method can leave something to be desired.

FarmCommand Center, an intuitive tool within the platform, makes it easy to access all farms, fields, equipment and other assets at once, in a single view. You can customize the information you need to see, such as viewing all fields from a single grower, viewing all growers at a specific retail location, or viewing specific fields under management. Filters can be applied to show the crops planted, specific varieties, current growth stages, plant dates and much more.

The platform also ingests high-resolution satellite imagery to provide a detailed view of crop health, weather damage, missed applications, pests and disease across managed fields and farms. This can go a long way to see the forest through the trees and completely enhances the value of imagery data.

FarmCommand Center helps automate the mundane tasks of the industry to help agricultural professionals increase operational efficiency and service growers at a higher level.

To see FarmCommand Center and our tools created specifically for trusted ag advisors like you, simply fill out the form below to set up a free, personalized demo at the time of your choosing.

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