Trust The Science

Trust The Science

By: Thom Weir This topic may not be very popular but needs to be discussed. I know most of you will have visited one of the major ag tradeshows this winter. You will have returned with your mind full of exciting new products available on the market that promise to...
Variability In Weather Affects Key Decisions

Variability In Weather Affects Key Decisions

By: Andy Nadler Agricultural Meteorologist, Farmers Edge One of the greatest challenges in farming is dealing with variability. Soil varies from one field to the next and within a single field. Input and commodity prices change from day-to-day. While these factors...
Toast to Technology

Toast to Technology

By Thom Weir, Senior Precision Agronomist, Farmers Edge As we approach the New Year, we often reflect on the year past and give thanks for the bounties that we have received. This is magnified with those of you who receive their livelihoods from the land. We are so...
The 4R’s of Fertilizing in the Fall

The 4R’s of Fertilizing in the Fall

For the Canadian Prairies and Northern Plains We’ve previously reviewed the 4Rs of nutrient management as they relate to Fall Nitrogen. This article will focus on “the others” or PK and S. With regards to “Right Time”, Phosphate (P), Potash (K) and Sulphur (S)...