Polygons, Triangles and Trials…Oh My!

Polygons, Triangles and Trials…Oh My!

By Shane Thomas, Global Digital Ag Lead Successfully identifying the yield benefits of trials or the yield drags of specific issues such as herbicide drift, can have significant implications for your farm. Whether it’s to accurately understand the yield hit that a...
What is Delta T and why is it important for spraying?

What is Delta T and why is it important for spraying?

By Tom Wolf (Nozzle_Guy) Delta T, also known as “wet bulb depression”, is an atmospheric moisture parameter whose use in spraying has made its way to North America from Australian operations. It is defined as the dry bulb temperature minus the wet bulb temperature,...
Amplify Your Fungicide: Variable Rate Application

Amplify Your Fungicide: Variable Rate Application

By: Shane Thomas, Global Digital Ag Lead Variable Rate (VR) application of fertilizer has been commonplace in western Canadian agriculture for over a decade now. Being able to apply nutrients where they have the highest likelihood of yield response and pulling back in...