
We are supporting companies in their sustainability initiatives

We are committed to helping companies reduce their environmental impact.

GHG protocol scopes and emissions



Direct fossil fuel use



Purchased energy sources


Indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain.

Incorporate carbon footprint reduction strategies with your grain growers by promoting sustainability with your supply chain partners

Equip your business with tools to improve the E in ESG. Farmers Edge provides the following sustainability measurement opportunities


  • Carbon insetting in agriculture reduces the carbon intensity of the final product by intervening in the upstream feedstock’s carbon footprint used in food and biofuel products.
  • Partner with farmers who’ve implemented practices that reduce Carbon Intensity of their product to improve your supply chain’s emissions.


  • A carbon offset is a reduction or removal of emissions of CO2 or other GHG made in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere.
  • Buy Farmers Edge carbon credits to make up for the greenhouse gas your business has emitted.


  • Track the movement of food products throughout the supply chain:
    • Identify high-emitting activities
    • Improve supply chain efficiency
    • Encourage sustainable practices
  • Meet consumer demand by proving sustainable practices occur across your network with the appropriate datasets.

Company Highlights

Carbon tonnes serialized

Acres of reduction

$2.2 M

Credits sold

Serialized Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Protocol (NERP) project ever

4R designated agronomists

Agronomists with Accredited Professional Advisor (APA) designations

Company highlights based on 8 years of data as of January 17, 2023

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